Join Ann Clements, Arkansas Humanities Council’s Education Outreach Coordinator, and Kathleen Pate, Education Specialist at the Clinton Presidential Library, for an engaging and informative workshop on humanities resources for your classroom. The Arkansas Humanities Council has a number of initiatives of interest to teachers, including the REACH grant which provides funding for classroom programs and professional development, educational field trip grants, the newly created Teacher page on the AHEC website, We the People resources and lesson plans, along with announcing the Smithsonian traveling exhibit, Voices and Votes and its accompanying classroom resources. The Clinton Presidential Library has educational resources for pre-K – 12th grade teachers including curriculum, student programs, and teacher workshops. Participants will learn about these resources and opportunities for the 2022-23 school year, including events connected to the Women’s Voices, Women’s Votes, Women’s Rights exhibit at the Clinton Presidential Library from September 8, 2022 to April 2, 2023.
The workshop will engage teachers with content related to Social Studies (Arkansas History, U.S. History, World History, Civics, Government, Economics), English Language Arts, Fine Arts, and STEM. In addition, participants will explore strategies for incorporating these primary source materials into their classrooms.
Both AHC and CPL will provide giveaways such as books, flash drives, and other resource materials including the “Rightfully Hers” pop-up exhibit funded by the National Archives Foundation.
The workshop is designed for pre-K -12th grade teachers and librarians/media specialists. Three hours of professional development credit will be available for attendees. For more information about this workshop, contact Shiloh Museum Education Manager, Judy Costello. Snacks and beverages will be provided. Information about parking and location will be sent to participants before the July 12th workshop.
The workshop is free to attend but registration is required. Use the form below.