History Camp
Registration is underway for our VIRTUAL SUMMER HISTORY CAMPS. The camps are FREE!
Our camp theme is “Art in the Trades.” We’ll take a look at art in weaving, sewing, pottery, sculpting, woodworking, architecture, writing, painting, and photography, exploring the life and work of historic Ozark folks as well as members of modern-day Latinx and Marshallese communities.
Find our Camp brochure
Camp brochure in Spanish
- History Camp 1. June 21–25, 9:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m., for ages 7 to 10 FULL
- History Camp 2. July 19–23, 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., for ages 11 to 14 FULL

Joe Doster’s tools and carvings. Photo courtesy Joe Doster

Joe Doster’s tools and carvings. Photo courtesy Joe Doster
Registration is underway for our VIRTUAL SUMMER HISTORY CAMPS. The camps are FREE!
Our camp theme is “Art in the Trades.” We’ll take a look at art in weaving, sewing, pottery, sculpting, woodworking, architecture, writing, painting, and photography, exploring the life and work of historic Ozark folks as well as members of modern-day Latinx and Marshallese communities.
Our Camp brochure
Camp brochure in Spanish
- History Camp 1. June 21–25, 9:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m., for ages 7 to 10 FULL
- History Camp 2. July 19–23, 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., for ages 11 to 14 FULL
Registration form (English and Spanish)
How will virtual camp work?
♦ Fill out the online registration form.
♦ In order to receive a box of craft supplies, campers must be preregistered by June 4 for Camp 1 and by July 2 for Camp 2. We can mail the boxes anywhere in the U.S. or they can be picked up at the museum.
♦ After the registration deadline, campers may still register but they will not receive a box of craft supplies unless supplies remain.
♦ Zoom sessions will be limited to pre-registered campers.
How will museum education staff communicate with campers in real time?
We will use a mix of online resources, mainly Zoom and Facebook. Parents will need accounts to both sites for campers to access the sessions.
Using Zoom sessions allows campers to see our PowerPoint presentations on their computer screens while hearing us talk.
Facebook Live allows:
♦ museum education staff to host and conduct interviews and virtual visits
♦ partnering with other organizations and institutions
♦ campers to use emojis to answer yes/no questions with their mouse and to easily post questions/comments online
♦ broadcast recording so that campers may watch again or at a later time with a parent
Other ways museum education staff will communicate with campers:
Each camp will have a closed Facebook group, open only to those registered for camp. Participants can post photos and museum staff can post announcements in these groups. Staff will also be available through email or by telephone.
Will my camper be sitting in front of a screen the entire scheduled time?
While one part of camp will be in front of a screen, screen time will be kept to a minimum. Museum staff introduce crafts and other activities, then take a break while campers work on the activities presented. Staff then introduce physical activities and have a scheduled break while campers complete the challenges. Activities are paused for campers to take snack and lunch breaks.
How will campers feel connected to other campers?
♦ We communicate with campers as much as possible or as allowed by parents/guardians and allow interaction through Zoom sessions.
♦ Unless a camper opts out of the Zoom meetings, we’ll be able to share audio and video of campers during presentations. For security, campers may opt to put a generic picture in front of their camera for the Zoom meetings.
♦ Facebook Live broadcasts allow campers to post emojis and ask questions.
♦ We’ll complete online challenges simultaneously and in a fun way.
♦ After breaks, campers may post photos of their work or report results of challenges in our closed Facebook group.
What if I’m not home during the camp hours? Or what if I don’t use Facebook?
Most broadcasts will be recorded and may be watched at a later time, probably on YouTube. Parents/guardians may watch with their campers when it’s convenient.
Will I need to supervise my camper during camp hours?
This is a virtual camp. We cannot be present in your home. Our staff cannot be responsible if you leave your camper alone under our virtual supervision. Some activities may include going outside, cooking, or using scissors/hammers, etc. A schedule is provided at registration so that you’ll know what museum staff will recommend for your camper to do at set times during camp.
What if social distancing guidelines are relaxed by June/July?
This year’s camp will be virtual regardless of social distancing guidelines.
Need more information?
Email our education manager, Judy Costello.